- Y C Shukla
- November 4, 2019
- 2:42 pm
In 2019 and 2020 , we are going to watch many conjunctions sequentially which do not happen frequently . And these will create a chain of global events which will define the trade and politics for next 2 decades .
On 5th November 2019 , Jupiter ( Guru) will enter Sagittarius or Dhanu rashi as per Indian Siderial Astrology system . Saturn and Ketu are already in this sign , though Saturn is shifting away from Ketu since October 2019 .
Earlier in March 2019 , we had Saturn-Ketu conjunction and it had degree level conjunctions in last week of April 2019 and September 2019 .
And this conjunction caused terrorist violence in SriLanka in end April and in New Zealand in March end , apart from cyclones , Trade Talk deadlock of China-US, slowdown in Indian Economy and also unprecedented mandate to Modi Government in May 2019 and the great event of Article 35A and Article 370 abrogation .
This conjunction is not considered good . Saturn being planet for people , democracy , delays , gloom and Ketu the headless planet for uncertainty , suddenness , surprise and sudden acts , we saw it all in this period . I got many panic calls from individuals for loss or uncertainty in job , medical issues etc in this period as it affected everyone severely .
Those who were worried about NIFTY index going to 10700 from peak of 12000 called me and I consoled them by asking to wait for arrival of troubleshooter Jupiter to join Saturn+Ketu on 5 November 2019 . And the NIFTY is again reaching 12000 . I also wrote an answer on Quora in August 2019 :How long will the 2020 economic recession last? How will it affect the Indian economy?
The Effects of Jupiter-Ketu-Saturn Conjunction
Since we have seen many negative news in last 8 months , we will now see some positive news till January 2020 . Some of them which have some possibility are :
- Delivery of Ram-Janmabhoomi Verdict by Supreme Court of India . Jupiter and Saturn like big planets in religious sign Sagittarius associated with Ketu like ritualistic planet for fundamentalists being together shows why verdict is coming only in this conjunction . Last time this three planets came together was in 1962 when we had Ashtagrahi Yoga ( 8 planets together in same sign Capricorn).
- Resolution of US-China Trade Dialogue is likely to get announced anytime in the next 3 months . This will become the standard for new bilateral trade agreements in coming years as WTO loses the significance .
- The start of Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which is a proposed free trade agreement (FTA) between the ten member states of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) (Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam) and its six FTA partners (China, Japan, India, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand).
- The RCEP is basically an Anti-US Trade block promoted by China to counter US highhandedness of Donald Trump and it proposes tariff free trade in all these countries . China will be major beneficiary while India may lose its markets and Industry just like US lost due to Chinese imports .
- Stock Markets will remain buoyant for next 3 months as good news keep arriving but after that , they may again sink with Jupiter-Ketu conjunction becoming dominant after January 2020 .
- Jupiter-Saturn conjunction will happen again in November 2020 when US Presidential Elections will happen and it will again make oscillations in global stock markets .
- On Individual charts , for Aries , Gemini , Leo , Virgo, Sagittarius , Pisces Moonsign it will be good while difficult for Capricorn, Cancer and Taurus , it may not support for next one year .
- Please go for Transit check up for your horoscope for detailed annual reading .
Views: 187
Will write about future of Kashmir
It is already there in last paragraph : https://ycshukla.com/how-kashmir-problems-a370-35a-got-resolved-by-cpec/
Based on both Lagna and Transit chart , next antardasha of Moon-Saturn will be difficult , Jupiter going to 6th house and Saturn to 7th house by end of year , shows year long problems in 2020 in solving umpteen issues in this new arrangement announced by government . It will settle by April 2022 and peace may return by 2025 once 8th Saturn is also over in transit.
Sir can you please write an article on Ram-Janmabhoomi Verdict.
There is not much to write about now as it is already going to happen in present conjunction . Verdict or no verdict , this has to happen in next one year as per this conjunction.