Planets Position Makes 2019 Indian General Elections Most Controversial !

Planets Position Makes 2019 Indian General Elections Most Controversial !

Last time I discussed the election dates in Loksabha elections of 2019 . I had hinted that it will have many turns as planets change their motion direction and signs .

Now when elections have reached at final stage , we are getting a scenario for disputes when the results are to be announced .  See this planetary situation on the date of counting :

Planets Position Makes 2019 Indian General Elections Most Controversial !

The democratic elections are basically an interplay of Saturn , the planet for people and Mars the planet for fighting , violence , money power etc . If they are not in direct confrontation , then the elections can happen peacefully and opponent accepts defeat gracefully , particularly if Jupiter is also involved . 

But this time , Saturn is with Ketu in almost degree conjunction , leading to ugly ( headless planet Ketu leading to mindless political campaign ) and Mars is now with Rahu from 7th May 2019 onward so , fighting ( Mars ) via technology and Judiciary ( Rahu) will start .

The VVPAT EVM  Factor ( Caused By Rahu )

The seed for controversy and fighting have already shown in this election . Use of paper receipt of every vote is good for elections and authenticity of EVM voting but at the same time , it will give rise to many new controversies .

Supreme Court of India took a middle ground and asked it to do it at 5 booths . Opposition further tried tit today , but Supreme Court declined .

Now VVPAT is a mechanical process so , some error is very likely that there may be difference in EVM votes and VVPAT paper votes . ECI has not decided yet , what is to be done in that case . So, it will open Pandora’s box wherever margin of win is low . The defeated candidate will most likely will reach out to court for counting all VVPAT paper votes which may take days to decide results and thus delaying whole process .

The controversy may continue for about one month ( in last week of June 2019 )  until Mars comes out from Gemini and Rahu – Mars Angarak yoga ends .

With VVPAT weapon in hand, Opposition will surely fight it out whether PM Modi secures a comfortable majority or he gets short of majority , the controversy is inevitable this time for at least one month and  fight would land at the door of the Court after counting ends.

“We have asked EC to frame clear rules on how to count votes in constituencies even if discrepancies are less than 5% after VVPAT-EVM matching. If such cases arise, VVPAT slips should be matched with EVM results in the entire constituency,” said Congress leader Abhishek Singhvi after the opposition delegation met with EC officials in New Delhi on Tuesday. And that is not good omen for country ! George Bush faced 9/11 event in Sept 2001 in his Presidency from 2000-2004 .
It may resemble  US Presidential election in 2000 involving first term of George Bush , which was decided through intervention of US Supreme Court   .And that is not good omen for country . George Bush faced 9/11 event in Sept 2001 in his Presidency from 2000-2004 as anything which begins with controversy is not good in long run . India’s partitionis an apt example for this.

Views: 16

2 thoughts on “Planets Position Makes 2019 Indian General Elections Most Controversial !”

  1. Sir

    Modi is back with absolute majority decimating all opposition & proving all theories of coalition with allies
    Sir i am not an expert on the science of astrology
    one article says Modi will be PM till 2026 & then go to Himalayas handing over charge to his successor
    Any indications from his horoscope

  2. Can you make post about India future.will it able to become superpower? Some Massive Reforms? Will Pakistan and Bangladesh merg with India?…

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