How will Venus Retrogression affect you in 2023?
Venus remains in retrograde motion for about 45 days every 15–16 months. This time, the period will be from 23 July 2023 to 4
Why Matching needed?
Matching is a relative term and can have several bases. For example in dressing, contrast is also matching. Kundli matching similarly can have multiple bases like emotion, intelligence, money, education, earnings, comfort, spiritual, sexual, longevity of relationship and so on. Any chart will have some Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat factors in certain areas of life. So matching can be through complementary, similar or contrasting features. For example doctor-patient, doctor-nurse, doctor-hospital, doctor-doctor, doctor-pharma company, all of these are matching of their own kind as these are basically relationships.
Each of the above matching is good from some perspective but may be useless from another perspective. So, one should be clear about one’s requirement in life and then matching should be done on that basis.
There are 2 types of travellers: those who just pack up and start the hitch hiking journey and then there are those who plan in advance by looking at Railway / flight timetable, hotels available, the weather prediction for coming days, money required for total journey and thus create a purposeful journey. It depends finally on your personality, which kind of traveller you are.
And the experiences of both type of travelling will be different. Starting the journey of partnership whether in marriage, friendship, business or with employer depends much on the compatibility between the two parties. Astrological compatibility (matching) certainly helps in understanding the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat (SWOT) associated with the partner. The same things one will come to know after living for some period which astrology will tell beforehand.
But as an engineer turned astrologer, I would caution against age old classical 36 guna Kundli Milan, which was done for emotional matching based on Moonsign only.
In today’s world, job, education and family background are as much important aspects for matching, hence the charts should be assessed holistically, then only it can be used beneficially by understanding the kind of journey both will travel individually.
Match The Chart After Marriage!
In year 2000, When I was studying astrology at Sh. K. N. Rao’s Institute of Astrology in Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi, a wealthy neighbour would come to my residence every week with at least 10 NRI charts to match them with his daughter’s chart. Since it was not costing anything, his charts were increasing each time.
One day, I concentrated on his daughter’s chart, just to see when she would get married. I was surprised to see that marriage would happen after 5 years. So, next time he came, I told him about my finding but he did not believe. Then I asked him bluntly whether he truly believed in destiny and astrology? He answered in affirmative. Then I told him that he should not go for matching before marriage as the person is already fixed by destiny.
I told him that it is useless effort to match a chart with hundreds of charts and it would be better to match the chart after marriage to see the individual’s strength, weakness, opportunities and threat potential and being aware of each other’s individual journey of life and then make better adjustments in life.
Despite his best efforts, his daughter got married only in July 2006 and he consulted me as advised earlier after her marriage. I still give this advice to people who come to me for matching.
The Ashtakoot (8 parameter based) matching out of total 36 point matching is an obsolete matching in current scenario. This matching was based on Moon’s position which changes every 2.5 days. In old days, Lagna kundli was difficult to make as it involved intricate manual calculations and Lagna changing every 2 hours based on a place, so Moon chart and Moon based theories were given much importance. In today’s computer software environment for astrology, charts can be easily matched with ascendant, Mahadasha sequence, Saturn transit and various planet placement and that will work much better than going alone for emotional, moon based matching.
Also, the 7 attributes of Ashtakoot are arbitrary and based on some unknown research and it has not been tested on mass level anywhere, so it cannot be relied upon. Couples getting 32 out of 36 get failed marriages and couples with score of less than 18 may have better married life.
The Nadi parameter of Ashtakoot has maximum 8 points in 36 and one gets zero if it matches and 8 if mismatches.The Nadi parameter has some medical logic behind that.
Ayurveda supports this theory. 27 nakshatras are divided into 3 classes of Vaat, Pitta and Cough dosha (Aadi, Madhya and Antya). So, depending upon the birth nakshatra category, your body disposition will be having Vaat (airy), Pitta (Bilious or hot) or Cough (cold) disposition.
Now Ayurveda says that excess of any dosha will lead to diseases and one dosha is to be countered by mixing with any other dosha. For example, a person frequently having cough and cold, should go for hot drinks and climates to save the health.
This theory was extended in marriage where it was assumed that if couple had same dosha, the conception for child may be difficult or if birth happens, the child may be born with excess of that dosha.
So, the ancient astrologers advised mismatch of Nadi for trouble free procreation. With so many modern medical technology solutions like test tube and other systems available now for such problems, it is now a too far fetched calculation and trying to match a nadi or cancel a match just for the sake of Nadi matching is foolish in modern world.
Being Manglik is decided on ascendant, which varies every two hours. So, correct birth time is required. Again, whether it is low Mangal or high Mangal dosha can be decided only after going through full chart and it can be confirmed via personal characteristics. Coming to theory of this dosha, assume Mangal as a pressure filled LPG cylinder. Now, it depends on its use, whether it can be a boon or bane. If you mishandle, it will blast and then it may be called Mangal dosha but if it is used with regulator control, it can serve your purpose of car or kitchen fuel.
People in old days, were not aware of better usage of Mangal energy but now systems and methods are available for harnessing any big energy potential. This is true for Mangal dosha in Kundli.
If person with Mangal energy is placed in right work/responsibility, he/she can do wonders, otherwise default is a blast and damage. An apt example is Aishwarya-Abhishek pair where both are given private space for this energy.
But I would like to caution that Mangal dosha does not happen the way it is told by traditional astrologers as they make 80% population afflicted with Mangal dosha and then tell absurd remedies, instead of behaviour solution.
Does astrology and horoscope matching really predict marriage dates ?
Astrology predicts events related to life, just like we can predict rains in India during July to September every year. That means there is high probability for such events but there is no absolute certainty that such event will happen decisively.
For example, a railway time table can tell you the best way to reach from place A to place B. It can tell you the route, the fare and probable time of reaching there. Still, there can be delays, uncertainty, cancellation of the train because of unforeseen situations, so that prediction always has an error margin of 20–30 % but being correct 70 to 80% is still a big difference in planning one’s life. Having a timetable is still preferable than not having it.
The predicted time only means that you will have easy offers , easy availability of time and other resources , help and pressures by your near and dears but you can still not act and then result will be zero .
It is like rains happening but you gain nothing as you did not sow anything . So final action on that favourable environment ( predicted by astrologer) will only give you the result otherwise it is just a potential .
It is more applicable when you desire a certain positive outcome while for bad results , your action is not needed , it happens by default .
While you can say that I am more comfortable to marriage after 4 years , you have no sound basis to say that it will be only good for you . Situation may be adverse also after 4 years and you may have lesser choices at that time .
What is papasamyam & Nagdosham ?
My girlfriend’s and my horoscope there is papasamyam mismatch. What does that mean?
– What are the consequences of marrying someone with whom there is no papasamyam?
– Is there threat to life ?
– What is the probability that things could go wrong?
“Saturn, Rahu, Kethu, Mars and Sun are the Grahams which could trouble a Person depending upon its Position and Strength in a Horoscope. When these 5 planets are in 1-2-4-7-8-&12th places from Lagnam, Chandran & Sukran, they create a certain amount of problem,(Dosham). The ferocity of the Dosham depends upon its strength in these houses, such as a Friend or Foe, (Uchcham) High or Low (Neecham) – Ruler or Equal. The total amount of Dosham for the Girl and Boy has to be calculated at the time of Horoscope Comparison for a marriage. If the Dosha index is more for the Girl than the Boy marriage will not be recommended. When the Dosha index is more for the Boy or it is Equal for Both marriage will be recommended. There are several methods to work out the Dosha Index. “
Let us analyse it objectively . The above concept takes 6 houses out of total 12 houses in any chart , where 5 out of 9 planets , if placed , the Paap Samayam or Bad Time will happen.
This way , about 50% charts should have Paapsamayam . Now anything which affects half of the population cannot be termed as dosha .
It is like labelling all males or all females as criminal based on a gender. Now since every second person will have such doshas , so you start doing filtering with many sub clauses rules and then Poojas , homams , absurd remedy etc to get rid of all these “Doshas” which effectively may not be any dosha at all .
I am myself an engineer and astrologer and in this field for last 16 years . With my experience , I can say about 60-70% of astrology and related remedial measures are just a hoax for generating income . It took me 2 years to study astrology under Sh. K.N. Rao at Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan , New Delhi in 2000 and another 5 years to get rid of 70% redundant astrology , just because it became obsolete in modern context, technology , legal and medical system and rapid changes in society in last 40 years.
30% of astrology is still relevant because of mathematics behind cyclical effects of planets , which will always have some meaning but that too requires interpretation with modern context. For example , in case of a person living in a metro city apartment , a competent village astrologer told him that he would die because of a snake bite . At a Mumbai 14th floor apartment living , there is remote possibility of a snake bite. Finally, when the person died , it was found that he died of wrong injection .
Imagine that elimination of snakes in city is happening ,with proportionate rate of increase in use of injections , which are similar in effect of snake bite : both pinch and both have poison and Ketu planet should be significator for both. While core astrology is absolutely true , the commercial astrology is a crap. By core astrology , you may get insight about your structure ( DNA) and prospects but crap astrology is only to take your money.
Therefore , my advice is , either don’t take any astrological advice and do your Karma earnestly or if doing astrological analysis , grill the astrologer with How, why , when , what etc. and then understand the whole theory and then adopt behavioural strategy and then astrology really functions like eyes in body . If after looking at disaster ahead , you don’t change your action , you are far worse than a blind person.
Please see this answer Yash Shukla’s answer to Is Sarpa Dosha or Naga Dosha related to killing a snake? Does it have something to do with astrological planetary positions? Can astrologers predict through horoscope matching, that if girl marrying someone the husband will die? Once a father approached an astrologer to see the chart of his young unmarried daughter ! Astrologer exclaimed that his daughter had yoga for widowhood ! Father got worried so he consulted another astrologer and he also said the same but added that it will happen at the age of 70 years when the dasha comes !
The day astrologers become so sure of death of someone just by doing marriage with someone , then they will run our world .
Fortunately , astrologers are not God and only our blind belief can make them God , like an idol is made by its devotees .
Problem is that once some crap thing is inserted into one’s mind , it takes so much time and effort in getting rid of that . It is easier to create a destruction but very difficult to repair it .
I always advise in such cases to ask for written forecast from astrologer , giving the astrological principle for that , so that it can be shown to other astrologers for confirmation as given in above example . I personally never make such predictions about death , which is prohibited in astrology as 8th house at most creates Mrityu Tulya Kashta ( Death like experience) not Mrityu ( Death) in 90% cases.
Sh. Amitabh Bachchan and Osho’s charts have plenty of planets in 8th house and any ordinary astrologer would say the death prediction for them but Osho died at 60 years and Amitabh is now over 73 years old .
Divorce cannot be predicted with 100% certainty because your effort and actions can make some difference in final outcome . Astrology can tell periods of stress in some segment of life and its percentage probability . To arrive at a sure prediction astrologer needs to know lot of personal attributes also about your and your wife’s actual personality . Astrological predictions are more like Dangerous Curve Ahead Sign on the road . It is not necessary that every driver will face the accident on this turn but the probability is certainly more for some patch of road ( Time) . Again , it is up to you to slow down and be careful and pass this patch slowly or just ignore and let the default happen .
In divorce , you both need to sit together and discuss the post divorce scenario for each of you with an astrologer or counsellor who can mediate and tell what objectives will be fulfilled with divorce and which will not be . That can make you decide better option .
In cases of cheating , divorce is the only solution as trust once broken is too difficult to restore .
Does kundli and astrology actually matter in case of marriages?
There are 2 types of travellers : those who just pack up and start the hitch hiking journey and then there are those who plan in advance by looking at Railway / flight timetable, hotels available , the weather prediction for coming days, money required for total journey and thus create a purposeful journey . It depends finally on your personality , which kind of traveller you are . And the experiences of both type of travelling will be different.
Starting the journey of partnership whether in marriage , friendship , business or with employer depends much on the compatibility between the two parties. Astrological compatibility ( matching) certainly helps in understanding the strength, weakness, opportunity and threat ( SWOT) associated with the partner. The same things one will come to know after living for some period which astrology will tell beforehand.
But as an engineer turned astrologer , I would caution against age old classical 36 guna Kundli Milan , which was done for emotional matching based on Moonsign only . In today’s world, job, education and family background are as much important aspects for matching ,hence the charts should be assessed holistically , then only it can be used beneficially by understanding the kind of journey both will travel individually.
In year 2000, When I was studying astrology at Sh. K. N. Rao’s Institute of Astrology in Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi, a wealthy neighbour would come to my residence every week with at least 10 NRI charts to match them with his daughter’s chart. Since it was not costing anything , his charts were increasing each time.
One day , I concentrated on his daughter’s chart , just to see when she would get married. I was surprised to see that marriage would happen after 5 years . So, next time he came, I told him about my finding but he did not believe.
Then I asked him bluntly whether he truly believed in destiny and astrology? He answered in affirmative. Then I told him that he should not go for matching before marriage as the person is already fixed by destiny.
Has any marriage been successful even after both horoscopes did not match?
Yes ! There are many and I know several of them personally !
In fact, the “matching” word is generally taken for traditional Ashtakoot ( 36 Guna ) matching based on Moon ( done for emotions & procreation in ancient time ) and placement of Mars or some malefic planets . That ignores about 80% other aspects of life , like money , profession , property , which have become more important in modern life , with arrival of gender equality , technology , legal system , globalisation etc .
So, one may fail in traditional matching but may be good in other aspects like ascendant matching , dasha sequence , Saturn transits etc hence it may not matter much . While in reverse case , a Moon based matching may be excellent but score poorly on other important parameters and so still cause conflict .
Then , many times , I have seen that marriages happened just at peak bad effect of Saturn transit and the divorce were filed within a couple of years of marriage . Had they been counselled properly and avoided harsh actions for those two years , it could have been avoided . The same Saturn transit , if happened after 8 years of marriage , would not lead to divorce , because by that time , the relationship would have grown enough strength to bear the bad time .
Moreover , any chart which has bad combination can be turned into plus points by changing place , person or with time : When Destiny Takes A Turn ?
An astrologer told my friend’s family that his wife is responsible for his brother’s death, because of her horoscope. Is this really possible ?
It depends upon IQ of astrologer how one justifies that event . If someone dies on Christmas , one can say that person died because Christmas happened . Or if it happened on a Sunday , the death may be attributed to Sunday .
That logic defeats the very basis of astrology that every person has an individual destiny . That destiny may coincide with other’s destiny in good or bad manner . For example , Christmas may be birthday for someone and a death day for other , that does not mean that Christmas day is good or bad in itself .
It solely depends upon person how one associates an event to the memory and based on that we may call someone lucky or unlucky in our life .
Also Birth and death days are unalterable in any person’s life for any reason so nobody can be held responsible for these two starting and end points of life journey.
How real is Mangal Dosh in day to day life?
There is no need to see a chart to know if there is any Mangal influence ( I do not call it dosha ) .
Mars is a planet for energy , stamina, self reliance , defence , action so if one has such capabilities , it will be difficult to tolerate any injustice , insult etc and person would react even at slight provocation and may go for physical action .
All security personnels , armed forces , anti-social gun toting criminals , wrestlers , athletes fall in this category and one cannot mess with these people .
So, you may call it Mangal dosha or guna depending upon on which side you are .
Mars people are highly energetic , physically active , self respectful and self reliant for their physical needs . This attribute can be a good thing to someone and a bad thing for some others .
In married life , you need to live together on daily and hourly basis , have some mutual dependence and make adjustments because of that , rather than fighting and using guns to settle every issue. So, a Mars temperament may not work and marriage can get snapped on any ego issue .
So, they found a way out . A Manglik ( Mars dominated ) should live with a Manglik just like a soldier can live in barracks with other soldiers peacefully or a criminal can live in another criminal gang , though complete peace is not guaranteed there also but chances of violence are quite reduced .
But Indian astrological way of determining who is Manglik and who is not , is quite absurd which puts 80% population under Manglik category so one can ignore it completely . Better go for holistic chart analysis for ascendant , dasha etc and finally talk to the person for 30 minutes on issues of self-respect , self-reliance , fears , earning, physical activities etc and you can determine how much Manglik a person is .
No astrological Upaay ( remedy) or Puja can change that personality attribute and consequent results .With age and maturity and reduction in physical stamina , some changes may happen.
Venus remains in retrograde motion for about 45 days every 15–16 months. This time, the period will be from 23 July 2023 to 4
Many of my clients from Seattle, Toronto, Atlanta, Sydney, London, Houston and other places have asked me about the difference between these two astrological phenomena.
On 28 January 2020 , I had written this about Saturn coming to Capricorn : Saturn is now in Capricorn since 24 January 2020 and
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