Learn Financial Astrology in 3 Live Sessions of 6 Hours and 4 Hours of Videos Lessons.
Fee Rs.12000 / $250
Learn Basics of Financial Astrology to Avoid Losses & Earn Good Return !
This course is an add on knowledge for a person, who is already into the market, uses technical analysis, fundamental analysis and has spare money to invest / trade in the market. This course alone cannot make you a successful trader / investor or unemployed person earning his livelihood through trading. Stock Market is full of risks, so invest only that money which you can afford to loose.
As an investor, you must be aware of hidden future shocks, caused by Global Events and sudden developments like Ukraine – Russia War, Corona Virus Pandemic in 2020, 2008 US Financial Crisis, winning of Donald Trump in US Presidential election or Demonetization of high denomination Currency notes in India.
All of these were result of major planetary conjunctions and these will be discussed in our Zoom sessions.
Stock investment is about being optimistic about FUTURE but without knowing the basics about FUTURE, you are just shooting in the dark. Vedic Astrology is the only knowledge which can give you some advance idea about impending booms and crashes in market.
Though nobody can see the Future like a video, still one can have a fair idea of possibilities in future, using Astrological transits, using common sense and planet’s changes into Zodiac signs. With a small investment in this online course, you can save yourself from future investment shocks and also have million dollar opportunities in coming years. You will not panic when markets are in turmoil and convert them in opportunities.
Read below many essays, how the change of planets brought major upheavals in stock market.
Can Anyone Learn Financial astrology?
Yes, if you can learn driving in a motor training school, you can learn basic principles of financial astrology and then practice yourself with paper trading and then start using them in your investment decisions.
What is The Fee & Procedure?
Fee is Rs 12000/- (US$ 250 – Rs 20000/- for Overseas Indians) payable in advance. It is a 4 Hours Private Youtube Videos followed by 3 sessions Zoom online course, each of 2 hours, done over Zoom face to face, sharing onscreen some PDFs.
Please contact by Mobile/Whatsapp stating your details
1. Name
2. Date of Birth
3. Time of Birth
4. Place of Birth
5. Current City
6. Education & Job Status
7. Email Address
8. Your Stock Market Experience
After going through your information, you may be asked to pay Rs 12000 fee online by UPI, Netbanking. The persons located abroad need to pay USD 250 or Rs 20000.
Watch 4 Hours of Private Videos on Planets and Signs and J Hora Software Installation
After the receipt of the fee, you will be given access to watch 3 Youtube Private videos of 1 and 2, 2 hours duration. You may watch them multiple times to understand them better.
These videos will discuss the 9 Planets and 12 Signs. These are necessary for understanding the basics of astrology for those, who are not aware about astrology. Those who have some background should also see them to get better perspective from financial astrology application. Jagannath Hora Installation on Windows PC is also explained in one video .
About 3 Live Zoom Sessions
You will be emailed some PDFs, which will be used in Zoom sessions. That will also include important planetary movement for 2023 and 2024.
Thereafter, the first Zoom Live sessions will start for 2 hours. This session will discuss the sectoral rise and fall in stock market, like pharma, banking, IT etc.
The second Zoom Live Session will discuss the movement in Nifty . Bank Nifty is connected to Nifty movement.
The Third and the last Zoom session will discuss Corporate Horoscope of Reliance Industries to show how a company’s Horoscope affects its price movement.
The last one hour will be for question/answer session.
Note: The personal horoscope consultation is not included in this course. That is to be done by paying separately and fixing appointment for the same. During Zoom session, there may be more than one participants, so personal issues will not be discussed.
Other Terms & Conditions
1. Only Indian stock market price charts will be discussed.
2. The course is for educational purposes only and it does not guarantee to make you expert investor after completion of the course. A lot of self practice can make you expert in a year when you can use it in your investment decisions. You may keep following my Youtube Channel to read astro analysis of future events.
3. All the information, Zoom Sessions or Youtube Videos, PDFs shared in course are for the personal investing. These are under copyright, intellectual property rights, and it is not for redistribution, sharing in any manner over internet or manually. Written Permission may be taken for any such requirement by writing an email to ycshukla67@gmail.com .
Essays on Financial Astrology
- https://ycshukla.com/2018/12/sensex-nifty-crash-in-2018/
- https://ycshukla.com/2018/12/banking-sector-under-8th-transit-of-saturn/
- https://ycshukla.com/2018/12/globalization-ends-localization-returns/
- https://ycshukla.com/2018/12/maggi-noodles-ban-during-taurus-sign-affliction/
- https://ycshukla.com/2018/12/corporate-planning-via-astrology/
- https://ycshukla.com/2018/12/how-planetary-movements-affect-financial-markets-in-2016/
Learn Basic Astrology in 6 Hr videos and 6 Hours Live
- Fee For Indian Client (Rs) 14000
- Fee For Non Resident Client (US$ 250) (Rs 20000)
Learn Stock Market Astrology in 6 Hr Live and 4 Hours Videos
- Fee For Indian Client (Rs) 12000
- Fee For Non Resident Client (US$ 250) (Rs 20000)
Views: 1776