Original Horoscope of PM Modi

Original Horoscope of PM Modi

The Original Horoscope of PM Modi

                    ( This was first written in June 2016 for Quora.com, link here )

There is lot of controversy on PM Modi’s original horoscope . Reason is that there are two dates of birth circulating in media as per his official and academic certificates . In this analysis , I am trying to establish the horoscope as per his original birth date of 29 August 1949 as per his High school leaving certificate .

When I was studying for Jyotish Acharya course in Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan’s Institute of Astrology , run under Sh. K.N. Rao‘s guidance , I was told by several teachers , not to rely living politician’s horoscope as they deliberately spread several false birth date  , so that nobody knows their real birth chart . Sh. K.N. Rao also said the same thing in his various books . The real horoscope is made available only after death of such politicians .

Because of this , I refrained from making any prediction on Sh. Narendra Modi‘s fate in 2014 elections . Most astrologers predicted on his horoscope cast on his official birth date  of 17 Sept 1950 at 1100 hrs and the chart as on that date will come out as given here :

Original Horoscope of PM Modi

One very notable point is that , Ascendant sign is at beginning at 1 degree, Sun , the planet for Government benefits is at 0 degree, Mars , the ascendant lord is at 0 degree and Mercury , the planet for communication and intelligence is also at 0 degree. Then Saturn , the planet for popularity and politics is at 29.5 degree .

The general rule of Awasthas of planets says that planets in beginning or ending degrees are in Balaywastha ( childhood) or Mritaawastha ( dead like ) so here Sun, Mars , Mercury , Saturn are in those states hence quite weak . Some astrologers would come up with better situation in Navansha D-9 Chart . Situation is not changed much there and Mars , the ascendant lord has become debilitated in D-9 .

I never found this chart convincing enough . It does not portray his personality , his past or present situation .

A Scorpio ascendant and Moonsign person would never be vocal .Mars sitting in Lagna in his own house should make him money hoarder and army like temperament of non-communicative and secretive disposition . His second house of Family / Voice / Money  is free from any afflictions but at the same time it has no exceptional quality by this chart . The chart shows his seventh house lord as Venus which is well placed in 10th house of Profession , so he should have his spouse in politics .

In short , by general rules of astrology , the chart does not have any peculiarity . It does not explain his grey, balding hairs since younger age , his separation from wife just after marriage . It shows an afflicted Sun with Ketu which is not good for such high political post . His current Mahadasha of Moon from 2011 to 2021 does not show exceptional rise as it does not relate to 10th house of profession .

Original Horoscope of PM Modi

There are many issues like punctuality , popularity , administrative ability of PM Modi which this chart just does not explain ! So, I never believed this official birthdate and birth chart of PM Modi , while other astrologers have been making big predictions based on this chart .

The New Date of Birth of PM Modi Surfaces..

In the current debate over academic qualification of PM Modi and suppressing of fact about his masters and bachelor’s degrees , I got his one more date of birth  i.e. 29 August 1949 as per his school leaving certificate given by BBC Hindi at this link http://www.bbc.com/hindi/india/2016/05/160502_modi_congress_allegation_akd

as given in this image

Original Horoscope of PM Modi

So, I became curious to see if chart based on this date works or not . The new chart on 29 Aug 1949 with time of birth as morning 6 AM comes like below :

Original Horoscope of PM Modi

This chart does more justice with his personality than earlier chart prevailing in internet sites ! Let us see main features of this chart ..


Ascendant lord Sun is in its own sign Leo in ascendant with its arch enemy Saturn within  3 degrees . So, his Sun like personality is justified and his punctuality , administrative skills , controlling and dominating tendency is very clear from this chart . His grey hairs in young  age are supported by close Sun-Saturn combination.


Jupiter in its own sign Sagittarius in good 5th house , aspecting 9th house of Luck and ascendant /ascendant lord Sun give  him much needed luck factor to reach to  PM’s post .

3.His second house of family / voice / finance has Mercury, Venus and Ketu . Mercury adds to his speaking ability while Venus+Ketu shows his afflicted Venus , showing poor marital life prospects . Rahu-Ketu axis falling on second house and 8th house of in-laws show  deficiency in family and in-laws house .

4.His Moon is in third house of communication / publicity,  being lord of 12th house of strangers , foreigners and non-blood relatives . That shows his focus on propaganda . He likes meeting , contacting his foreign counterparts while he hesitates meeting his own family members .  Moon as lord of 12th house made him leave his ancestral home , wander length and breadth of India and now he has visited almost all countries of world . He is quick in giving reactions to international events more than events in Gujarat or in  India .

His Moon has 3rd aspects from Saturn and 4th aspect from debilitated  Mars  in 12th house . These are contradictory aspects as Saturn and Mars are inimical planets . Because of this , his speeches and his performance create  controversies and debates . He is quite assertive because of Mars while he talks about poor’s  schemes and their upliftment because of Saturn being in ascendant and 3rd aspect of Saturn on Moon .

But finally he behaves like a King, signified by Leo ascendant and Sun being in it .


His 7th house of opposition and spouse is ruled by Saturn , the arch enemy of Sun . So he lost marital bliss , there being no Jupiter aspect on 7th house but Saturn aspecting 7th House . At the same time , Jupiter has 9th aspect on Saturn , the 7th lord , so he is legally married and has surviving wife . That is supported by weak Venus also .

He was married at the age of 18 in 1967 in Saturn-Saturn period. Saturn is 7th lord of marriage in his chart.


The Sun+Saturn combination in lagna is best for getting a good govt. service or post . Democracy is considered  under Saturn only because mostly poor people vote and bring Sun people in power . Popularity is always under Saturn as it is planet for people while Sun is for govt. post . With Jupiter aspect on this combination , he got huge luck support of Poorva Punya of 5th house .

He was directly made CM of Gujarat in Mercury-Saturn period and 8th transit of Saturn in October 2001 . Before that he had never held even a post of councillor . And then he directly rose to become PM of India in Venus-Sun period . Venus being 10th lord of Profession and Sun is ascendant lord and signifier of Govt. top post .


Ketu has added peak as Ketu gives Mars results which is 9th lord of luck . So Ketu Mahadasha increased his prospects during 2003-2010 and despite controversies which are part of Ketu characteristics , he sailed to top post leaving other veterans behind in race to PM . In Venus-Venus period during 2010 to 2013 , he worked out his strategy to get PM’s post candidate and in Venus-Sun period he got it .

Original Horoscope of PM Modi

As seen from above dasha table , Venus will operate its first half of 10 years till 2019 end with 3rd house of performance results . If he gets second term after May 2019 , the dasha shows that he can win even 2024 elections also when Venus will be giving results of 10th house of name , fame . But before that he has to clear two bad antardasha of Mars and Rahu which are placed in bad 12th and 8th house . Elections are to be held in his Venus-Rahu period and that makes his re-election challenging .Thereafter , Jupiter and Saturn antardasha are good for him .


Venus is planet for good sense of dressing , eating , touring and presenting oneself , so his current Venus period gives him that opportunity, whether one likes it or not .

9. This is Contributed by Sh Amit Yadav , after reading my analysis …

  ”  ..Person with debilitated Mars means the person was saint in his previous birth and according to my research, saint’s past life deeds can make him king in next birth. A saint in previous birth leaves his home in search of salvation leading to suffering of wife, children and family because of him, so in next birth he is denied of this. Also debilitated Venus gives him acting skills…”


He is undergoing Saturn’s Saadesati from Sept 2009 till January 2017 as per Libra Moonsign . He will have Saturn in 3rd house of performance during Jan 2017 to Jan 2020 . So, he will have good Saturn transit results when Loksabha elections are held in mid 2019  increasing his chances for winning , though Rahu antardasha can embroil him in some controversy .

Finally even though I have no authentic proof , still I would say that this chart matches more with past life of PM Modi than the prevailing official birth date based chart !

Update on 27 May 2019

This post was written for Quora in 2016 after BBC Hindi news appeared .

As discussed above , PM Modi succeeded in winning Lok Sabha elections with good majority of 303 for require 273 seats for his party alone. His coalition got more than 350 out of 542 .

Good 3rd House transit of Saturn and Jupiter looking at 10th house of Name and fame from second house ( from Moonsign Libra ) helped him achieve success .

At  the same time , as predicted that Rahu antardasha may cause some controversy from March 2017 to March 2020 , PM Modi got embroiled into Rafale defense aircraft deal controversy and benefiting Anil Ambani and case went to Supreme Court which cleared his name but Rahul Gandhi still kept on shouting ” Chowkidar Chor Hai ( Guard is the thief) . So, he got some eclipsing in his otherwise strong image in this period but people rejected this allegation while voting .

See the Rahu Antardasha period below 

Original Horoscope of PM Modi

Views: 1260

27 thoughts on “Original Horoscope of PM Modi”

  1. The horoscope with this date and time looks ok.

    However, I will be more comfortable with Ascendant at between 9 to 10 degree.

  2. My Dear Readers and Blog Lovers
    (Attention : Mr Y. C Shuklaji)
    Continuing My Previous Comments as on :
    23/02/2019 at 3.10 pm
    10/03/2020 at 3.43 pm
    18/05/2021 at 10.0 am
    Now Continuing on
    05/10/2021 at 20.45 pm
    First of all Thanks to Shuklaji and all Blog Lovers and Everyone who added the discussions with their valuable analysis and suggestions.
    Now Coming to the Point of this Discussions. I want to clarify certain points which has been misunderstood by many readers and side by side giving my further view on this topic.
    • Rajyog shall be visualized in it’s totality and not merely by Administrative Powers. Amenities, Repute and Fame. If at parallel it brings 50% Social Defame from the 60% popular Voters of the country , A sense of Autocratic Behaviour damaging it’s own Fort, Monopoly in every sphere, Fear in facing ‘Criticism and Reality’ then it falsify the basic instinct of Rajyog. So the reason I never approve the Rajyog in Modiji’s Horoscope.
    • So and then what it is which made him eventually and mysteriously popular though not as popular as like many Billionaires of the World or Many other Powerful persons of the world like Owner of Google or Facebook or many others who are even 100 times more popular and enjoying more power and comforts then Modi in whole world. So I again said that neither it is a ‘Divine Power’ nor it is an ‘Astrological Rajyog’. Then What it is ?
    • Now I again said it is only a favourable time period and favour of certain planetary Periods which will not last more and I consistently said it in all my last blogs that he will bring more disgrace for himself then the favours and grace. And now till this period everyone will now will be unprejudicially favour my comment.
    • And Now this downfall will speedup due to many reasons – Astrological, Spiritual, Social, and above all the Web he created for himself.
    • From December this year this overall downfall will speed up and besides the favourable planets on upper superficial plain he will face all kind of planetary disgrace together with social disgrace.
    • However the great manipulators of the world never ‘give up’ so easily and so Modi will also not ‘give up’ till he will totally finished stuck in his own ‘Web’.
    Thanks to all Blog Lovers and Analysts

  3. Astrologer Anilkumar Sachdev

    In next Loksabha Elections, Mr Kejrival of AAP is going to fight with free water & electricity to poor people. He won twice in Delhi with 100 % seats. If BJP offers the same can only survive.

    P M Modi’s Jupiter, Mars and saturn are vargottami. Mars and Venus doing nichbhang rajyog. Sun, Mercury and Jupiter[R] are in own house. Mercury is exhalted / uch. Lagn / Ascendent is 6 degrees, is most effective point of all houses. Mercury is 7 degrees becomes most effective functional Benefic planet. Mercury period from 28-1-1986 made him very successful. 4th house is in shubh kartari. 10th house is in shubh kartari aspect. We can find more with deep study of detailed horoscope. Thanks & Regards.

  4. 18/05/2021
    Dear Readers
    I want to clarify two thing in my Previous Comment as on today at 10 Am.
    (1) Here I have mentioned – “It is a mix of ” in opening words – Actually what I mean to say is ” Rajyog in its original sense means…..”
    (2) 2ndly I have insisted basically on “Rajyog” – In last 8 years people at large and on social media has only one impression that Me Narendra Modi is Enjoying RajYog and so he is in such a position as a cosmic previlege. Actually I have simply explained this Image of his permanent widly popular Rajyog is not as such as widely popular. Please read my previous comment keeping in mind this massage.

  5. 23/02/2019 at 3.10Pm
    10/03/2020 at 3.43 Pm
    And Now on 18/05/2021 at 10 Am
    Dear Readers ,
    Now Go through my both the Previous Emails in which I have consistently insisted that Mr Modi is not Enjoying any Rajyog. It is a mix of Chance + Luck + Some Blessings from Past Life + Large Long Term Consistent Public Support + Unquestionable Personality + King Like Visionary Power + Utmost Care of it’s Empire and people of it’s Empire etc. Now can any one prove that in the present situation any one of the criteria is getting fulfilled and he is enjoying an unquestionable Rajyog whereas if everyone by his own common-sense if removed the Indian Media which is already dancing at the hands of Indian Two Major Capitalists as they have bought the major stack in most of the National Channels , then what will remain to sing a song for and in favour of Modi. A Person now proved to be a Manipulator and Traitor like many other World Class Manipulators and Traitors as I have mentioned earlier as you all already reading , Listening , Visualising the latest news in all International Newspapers and Media. What I wrote earlier is now going to be exactly proved. Do you think a any one enjoying Rajyog is a Mentor or a hard Core Manipulator , A Guide or Preacher or a hard Core Traitor. This man has accomplish everything playing a very big game of Falsehood and Media Generated Charisma . For that He took every step as a calculative and manipulative steps gradually and in sequence – First Bought Media – Then Fix all the Important Central Government Organisations – Then Fix Many State Level Organisations – Then slowly slowly and gradually changes all the Laws and Bye Laws in their Favour even the education Laws – Then start changing the History and Geography of India- Then started selling off all the Public undertakings – Then started changing, Selling and closing Everything what Previous Governments has established and made – Then started poisoning the Brains of India People by Character Assassination of all Reputed Leaders of India – Then started following own routes to travel different Countries like Israel overlooking
    The Indian Stand on International affairs and like this following endless chronology . Actually this is a Nefarious Activity in the name of Public Support and a route of deceit and misguide. He has spoiled the basic character of India and Indian Politics. A King with a clear Rajyog ( Dominance of Jupiter and Sun in their own Zodiac Signs or 9th and 10th Houses Respectively and Support of Saturn and Venus in their Benefic Positions or Panch Mahapurush Yogas make such Yogas – just a minor example there are numerous Rajyog – But with on Clarity of Sun And Jupiter in the Most Favourable Position) never meant to adopt all such nefarious activities and never do any thing in disguise. Now may be he may return in power in 2024 as all the central Agencies including the Election Commission of India is now dancing at his fingers But in my views Rajyog never mean to give anything to a person in such a nefarious and malefic manner. In such cases Planets and Signs are so strong that a Person with Rajyog enjoy everything Automatically.

  6. Shklaji,
    My name is Rajendar,

    The planets near 0 degrees either side of houses are tougher to identify how they give results to the native and in both cases, they may give results of two houses, is it correct?

  7. What does Rahu in the eighth house of Modi’s chart indicate? Modi’s disastrous economic policies will bring more misery to common people of the country. The current standoff with China could bring disgrace to the country like it did in 1962 and like in Nehru’s case it could have deleterious effects on the country and like the above Mr. AK Daga says Modi could end up receiving more brickbats in history than the bouquets he is getting currently by his sycophants.

  8. I have recalculated on Modi based on his both DOB and TOB that is 17th Sep 1950 at 11 AM and 29th August 1949 at 6 AM . After a Deep Analysis I have come to the Conclusion again as I have mentioned this Blog that Mr Modi is not enjoying RajYog but only a favour of Planatory Transits for a few years which will be proved very soon I think only this year after 1st April.

    Do you think All the Word Leader like Hitler, Himler, Mussoloini , Stalin , Saddam Hussain etc enjoy Raj Yog. Do you say even then that Ravan in his times enjoying Raj yog. Do you think Rajyog means only Power On State and Nothing. Do you think Rajyog gives everything a person want in the catagory of Name, Fame etc. Then Mr Hitler, Himler, Mussolini, Stalin and Saddam all were enjoying all such power, Name and Fame. But see what happened to them at last. Lastly do you think Rajyog will define their end.

    1. Why are you overemphasizing RAJYOGA as cure for everything ? Rajyoga means living with amenities and among powerful people and that can apply to so many persons, even out of government. As for as as achieving a peak , name and fame is concerned , that happens due to combined effects of Rajyoga , Transit and dasha and that cannot be forever and it will be limited to some period .

    2. Someone like you who claims to do deep analysis is fixated on Enjoying Rajyoga is bit amateurish and childish… Raj yoga only means chances of achieving comforts in life . It doesn’t guarantee anything in life. One doesn’t have to be expert astrologer to say With power comes responsibility and top post is lonely place as one can’t trust anyone as everyone has an agenda. From Ravan to hitler to mussolini all have comforts at their disposal and they thoroughly enjoyed it however their greed has not limits hence mother nature have to reinstate who is the boss ? Ambition come with penalties that’s why king who worn the crown has all the headaches even though he might be having 7 course meals and all other amenities. On the contrary a sadhu or true saint has his rajyoga working in different way i.e. he is enjoying raj yoga with no worries and assimilating himself to true nature. Buddha had all kind of rajyogas and he enjoyed them thoroughly initially materialistically and later on in spiritual form.

  9. Balasubramanyam.H.K

    Dear Mr.Shuklaji

    The BJP and Modiji seem to be suffering from defeats at every elections since their massive victory. As a Hindu I am worried about the future political state in this country? Will BJP remain in power and win the future state elections and 2024 or anything else is there in store for us?

    1. BJP will not easily give up now as they know whole picture of administration at Centre and State. Also , BJP does concrete things only when it becomes overdue , otherwise it remains only in propaganda mode. The positive thing about BJP rule has been the unification of Hindus and now other political parties are also wary of insulting Hindu sentiments . BJP can win 2024 elections also provided it does not commit blunders in over confidence . State elections may be lost and won but people now want a strong Centre so BJP has better prospects in 2024.

  10. I went through your blog. Very interesting. However, I am confused as to why did you take 6 am as the time of birth?

    1. That is when Sun , the planet of authority is in ascendant in own sign Leo and with Saturn . That best describes personality of PM : popular , yet authoritarian and confident to take on challenges .

      1. There is one thing though about his personality which I am not sure if this chart reflects.
        He never faces questions or a press conference. He always uses technology to communicate but it is one way. He likes creating an enigma about himself.
        If he has saturn in the lagna with guru drishti (although vakri), should he not have been more approachable?

  11. Not sure whether you analyzed Argala based on his chart. Many things match. Arudh lagna is Leo. Tenth lord is in Lagna with Saturn, Sun, Mercury and Ketu in second house. Mars and Moon in fourth house. Ruchak yoga. Jupiter in seventh house. Jupiter destroys house where it is placed. Deprived of marital life. Mercury in second house making him speaker par excellence. Situation changed in his favour during Sun and Moon Major. This is evident from Argala

  12. SIR,

    ANDHRAPRADESH. ON MAY 28, 1959 at 11.41 AM.
    I KNOW I WILL BE P.M.OF INDIA around 2029-30.
    please verify

    1. Congratulations would be PM of India ! You already know your future , no need to show Horoscope to astrologers .

  13. I have written many times on quora that narendra Modi has no rajyog as per his prevailing Birth Chart. Just a good time sometime enjoyed by many politician. see the situation of Hitler, Himler, Stalin,Roosevelt, Stalingrad, Winston churchill, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi , Saddam Husain and many more after their rise at peak. Hitler even forced to suicide. So it was just a good time of Narendra Modi and not any RajYog established by any of the Horoscopes.
    Even Venus and it’s owner Zodiac Sign Libra and Taurus are the first enemy of Ascendant Leo so Venus will also not cooperate much. It was just a fluke. What ever he get whether Reputation, Administration, Honor everything will go in vain and of no use. You still have to analyse more. He will face more disgrace and dishonor then what honor and grace he got. Just check again everything.

    1. How do you define good time of these politicians if not by Rajyoga. Rajyoga does not make anyone immortal or invincible.

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