How does the birth of a baby affect your destiny ?

How does the birth of a baby affect your destiny ?

    An astrological chart has 12 houses and each house also represents a relative or acquaintance . This way each house is lively represented by such person and association or separation from such relative has significant meaning and hint for the future destiny and that is why a good astrologer can tell something even without a chart , when there is change in such association.

    For example , second house tells about family members , third about younger siblings and neighbours , fourth about Mother, fifth about children, sixth about mother’s siblings, seventh about Spouse , 8th about spouse family , 9th about your teacher / guru /mentor , 10th about father , boss , 11th about friends and elder siblings and 12th about strangers / foreigner.

   So, any significant event about a relative also indicates matters associated with that house . Like 5th house is about birth or events connected to children but being 8th from 10th house , it also shows changes in 10th house of profession . So, you can observe with birth of children , people also have significant changes in their job / career / business ( good or bad ) .

   Many times, imminent rise in luck factor of children is always associated with downfall of parents . For example , killing of Mrs. Indira Gandhi in 1984 led to son Rajiv Gandhi becoming PM overnight . Similarly , unexpected victory of Indira Gandhi in Jan 1980 ( 10th house ) leads to sudden death of her son Sanjay Gandhi in June 1980.

  Actually , when you are living alone , your luck geometry is like a point , when you get married , two points are joined and a line geometry of luck happens , when couple get a child birth , luck geometry changes to triangle and with more children , it becomes poly-angled geometry. Same is true when a member separates .Life can never be the same with and without a family member and luck factor will show this change.

That is why , association / separation of a person by way of birth, marriage , death, partnership etc necessarily results in significant changes in luck geometry and an astute astrologer can predict confidently for rise or fall in luck factor, if he co-relates the chart with such events.

That is why , the birth of a child may lead to significant rise in status of a family , if child is born with a good luck factor and reverse can happen if child is born with high bad luck factor. The same is true for a marriage , death , business partnership or association with anew friend.

For more , you may see this post also The 3 Ps which Change Your Destiny


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2 thoughts on “How does the birth of a baby affect your destiny ?”

  1. Which relationship we should not ignore or avoid for our happiness in life.
    And which relationships are there of whom we should remain alert.

  2. How beautifully you have explained it. It was morning 2 am, I woke with a gift of wonderful Astrology blog of yours.

    Wanted to learn more about this science of family. May be we are killing our growth by following wrong karma.

    There must be specific relationship for our growth. A more elaborate explanation demanded, if you can, plz do share.

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